S Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood

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Project Update

Hi All,

I hope you are all staying safe and well during these uncertain times. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has led to significant changes in travel patterns and behaviours across the borough. Many more people are walking and cycling for local journeys and to ensure they exercise during the lockdown period. At the same time traffic volumes are significantly lower on most roads, but elements of speeding have increased. The council wants to ensure the street environment prioritises people, and enables as many local journeys to be made by foot and bike. This is of particular importance when more people begin to return to work and traffic volumes increase.

With that in mind, the council is currently considering if elements of the project could be brought forward on a trial basis. This includes any temporary measures which can help to ensure adequate space is provided for people wishing to walk or cycle, but also that traffic volumes and speeds are managed. This is being prioritised by the council as part of our transport response to the Covid-19 outbreak, more details on which can be found here.

The first measure to be brought forward is a 6 month trial closure of the road through Dukes Meadows as it passes under the railway bridge. Access will be maintained for those on foot or bike. This removes a pinch-point where pedestrians and cyclists often come into conflict with vehicles in a narrow space with limited visibility. The closure will ensure adequate space is provided for those on foot and bike, prioritises their safety and enables physical distancing. Plans for this are currently being drawn up and more details will be shared on this website as soon as possible.

Going forward, the council will update residents on results of the wider Liveable Neighbourhood consultation from last year, and the priorities for the project going forward, later this month via this website. As part of this update we will be asking your views on some suggestions for possible trial traffic management measures that could be implemented on the network in the coming weeks. We look forward to resident feedback on those.

More broadly, the current crisis will likely impact the funding available to implement some elements of the Liveable Neighbourhood project in the immediate future. Council officers are in regular communication with Transport for London to understand this in more detail, as the situation develops.

Posted on 11th May 2020

by Tom Sharland